Boxscoop 2.0: Instructions & Tips

*If you are having trouble aligning the cover slots to the bottom container, please see #3 below.

**If you are finding it difficult to sift through the litter, please see #7 below for information on different litter types, how they perform, and how to optimally use them.

Please read through the tips and instructions below. A few minutes of reading will help you and your cats get the most from Boxscoop.

1. Add litter:

Boxscoop is very litter efficient and because the bottom is bowl shaped the litter will refill as your cats dig-- this gives them stability while also allowing plenty of depth to dig. Fill level is important for optimal cat comfort and oscooping.

Fill with litter so the center point is between 2-3.5 inches deep (5 - 8 cm). For reference, the center is 3.5" deep when the litter surface is slightly below the 3 green dots below:

*Add a cup of your cats old litter. This will give their new litter box a familiar scent.


2. Introduce your cats:

Approximately, 80% of cats will climb inside minutes after setup. If your cat is a bit more skeptical, consider using without the cover until they are comfortable.

     *Please don't rush your cats... this should be a positive experience. Cats are creatures of habit and some just need a little more time than others to make the transition.


    3. Cover alignment:

    1. Insert the scoop on an angle so the front edge is resting on the ledge down near the litter level and the handles are in the two shallow slots.

    When positioned correctly, the handles will be parallel with the top edge of the container. If the scoop is positioned differently than the below image, the cover will not align.

    2. Align the cover so the covered part is directly a top the stored scoop. The slots on the cover will now slide over the scoop.


      4. Recycle tracked litter:

      1. Lift the cover and tilt inwards so the bottom lip of the cover is inside the bottom container.
      2. Watch the tracked litter fall through the slots back into the container.

      5. Scoop & Toss:

      The container is engineered to scoop in one direction. The handles should be rotated towards you and the scoop should move away from you through the litter and towards the wall with the three engineered ridges.

      1.  Move the scoop to the center scooping slots
      2. Slowly rotate the handles towards you so the scoop moves away from you and through the litter
      3. Lift the scoop from the slots before the scoop reaches the top edge and carefully empty the waste into the toss container

        If your litter is slow sifting, overfilled, or hasn't been scooped in a few days it may push close to the top edge. Simply reverse the scoop back and then forwards again to help it sift efficiently:

        5b. Scooping the side areas

        Normally, at the proper fill level, the business is done in the litter and not on the sloped side areas... but if it does occasionally happen, the side areas are sloped to match the scoop contour, so you can quickly knock the waste into the center and proceed to scoop normally.

        *pro tip: if you're dealing with diarrhea or exposed #2, use the scoop to push litter over the waste before scooping. This will help keep the scoop clean.


        6. Toss container + bags:

        The toss container handle is designed to hold standard roll of pet waste bags (preferably biodegradable). To open, press the indented part on the handle and insert the roll of bags:

        The toss container is also designed to store on the rim of Boxscoop:

        7. Litter types & performance:

        Alternative clumping litters like corn, grass, walnut and many others are steadily advancing. We engineered subtle features into Boxscoop so that it'll perform with many of these alternative litters. In general we find these litters to be lighter, cleaner, healthier and stay fresh much longer.

        *If you decide to change your litter type, please change slowly. A new litter box and new litter type all at the same time can sometimes be too much for some cats. Let them get used to Boxscoop and then slowly mix in the new litter with old and until all the old is gone.

        Click on your litter type to see how it performs with Boxscoop, along with pros/cons and tips:


        Fine grain crystal litters like Pretty Litter also work very well in Boxscoop, but they do not clump, and we typically recommend clumping litters so you can get the urine out. Pellet litters are not recommend for Boxscoop. The pellets will not sift through the scoop.

        If you have any questions at all, please reach out to us at



        • If the scoop is popping out of the slots, there is a good chance you are using a heavy litter and/or rotating the scoop in the wrong direction. You should rotate the handles towards you, so the scoop moves away from you. If you push the handles away from you, and rotate the scoop towards you than it will pop out of the slots.
        • Angle Boxscoop in a corner or against a wall. This will encourage your cats to exit from the front and effectively reduce litter tracking.
        • If your cat has an occasional bout of diarrhea, use the scoop to flick surrounding litter on top of the exposed diarrhea. This will help the scoop to remove the diarrhea without leaving residue on the scoop.
        • If waste ever gets onto the side parts, use the scoop to knock the waste back into the litter and then scoop as normal. The side parts are shaped to give cats maximum space while making them easy to clean, if this occurs.
        • There are a total of four slots that the scoop can rest in. The two shallow slots are to store the scoop in. The two deeper center slots are for scooping.

        ***Always wash your hands after coming into contact with cat litter and cat waste. Cat feces can contain toxoplasma gondii.